Yohana “Brand Video”
VTS is typically brought on at two stages of a clients evolution. We are brought on when a client about to launch a new product or service and many pieces are already in play, or when it is already established in their industry and they need a refresh, or to help visualize a difficult concept. Working with the team at Yo Labs for the Yohana video was neither of these, which made this a very exciting one for us.
Armed with a ton of market research from Yo Labs, along a rough set of product features, the VTS team worked collaboratively with the Yo Services team to find a concept, an illustrative look, an auditory identity, a sense of movement and flow that could translate across their brand and help to guide future decisions. All of this was done on the super DL, as the company itself had not even announced itself, much less Yohana, to the world.
From concepting, styleframes, illustration, a TON of cel animation, VO casting and recording, music, sound design, we got to help birth these babies alongside the YO Labs team. Was it challenging at times? Sure. Was it rewarding? Hell yeah. But I suppose that is what being a parent is all about.
Client: Yohana
Director: Adam Glickfield
Producer: Kristin Almy
Design: Marco Cheatham
Animation: Billy Mpetha, Melisa Farina
Music & Sound Design: Jennifer Pague

To create this hybrid of live-action and animation specifically targeting a network of perspective Yohana Pros, we got a chance to not only collaborate with the team at Yohana but also our friends at 37 Laines. Working with a style of design with which we had executed the initial brand animation, we roughed out the storyboards, knowing that we would be plugging in key members of the Yohana team in live action. While we were in initial roughs of cel animation, the Yohana team, the talented camera crew from 37 Laines, and VTS met up at a beautiful shoot locale in sunny San Diego for a great shoot. With footage in hand, we edited, we color corrected, and we began the process of fine-tuning animation to the recorded audio so that the entirety of the project flowed seamlessly together to tell the overarching story of Yohana Pros.
Yohana “Yohana Network”
Director: Adam Glickfield
Producer: Kristin Almy
Live Action Partner: 37 Laines
Illustration: Clémence Thune
Animation: Josh Parker, Issey Roquet, Mac Wojcik
Sound Design & Score: Jen Pague